Staying hydrated is one of the most underrated health tips today. It’s almost free and in developed societies, clean and safe water is always available. However, many people around us (especially our friends and family) forget to drink enough water each day.

If you tell your friends and family to drink more water, it’s likely that they’ve heard the same advice from lots of different persons and sources. It’s likely they already know the health and environmental benefits of drinking more water and utilising reusable water containers.

What can you do to effectively “influence” them?

It seems an impossible task. But there are two common effective ways to finally make them drink more water using healthy and sustainable practices. Here are they:

Set an example

This is the most effective way to persuade other people. If you’re doing something healthy regularly, people will notice and one day they might ask you about your activities.

Arguments and data seem abstract to many of us. But if we see someone actually doing something, it’s more real and more tangible. We can easily relate and “if she’s doing it, I can do it also.” Convincing other people with data (no matter how scientific) might not be effective at all. Showing (not telling) might be a more effective approach.

Give your family and friends something they can use each day

Instead of providing them with more data and sharing them links to health-related articles, why not give them something tangible that they can bring every day?

You can give them stainless water bottles they can bring to work or school. No words are needed when you do this. With a stainless water bottle, they can easily bring water with them wherever they are. You’re making the habit (staying hydrated) easier for them to adopt because you’ve given them something they can readily use.

Action speaks louder than words

It’s an old saying but it’s still true today. Our loved ones might appreciate it more if we just do something instead of telling about it. Our actions can reach them easily and they will truly remember it.

Setting an example will show people that you’re practicing what you preach. This is important especially if you’re advocating for healthy and environment-friendly practices. Your actions and habits should align with your advocacies.

Gifts are also a good way to make people start a healthy habit. For example, if you give someone a pair of running shoes, you’re actually encouraging him or her to run and get fit (without saying anything). The same thing happens when you give people stainless water bottles. Even without explaining yourself, you’re making it easier for them to drink more water and stay healthy.