Eat more fruits and vegetables. Watch your diet. Exercise regularly. These are the first things people will tell you if you ask them how to get healthy. Those are also the recommendations you will read from health-related articles.

However, many forget one essential thing. It’s about drinking more water and staying hydrated. The focus is always on food and exercise. But actually, we take in fluids more frequently throughout the day.

This means water is a bigger part of our lives than many of us realize. We take in about 2-3 litres of water each day. The whole year it could add up to over 700 litres of water consumption. No matter what we do and no matter how busy we get, we will still take in water and other fluids.

One surprising thing about drinking more water

What happens if we start drinking more water? Our bodies can achieve proper fluid balance and perform other physical functions properly. It’s just that humans are designed to need water and replenish the supply quickly.

One surprising thing about it is it might also help with weight loss. How? If we drink more water, we will always fill full. This way, we won’t fill the urge to eat more foods. In addition, we will get rid of our craving for sugary drinks. Two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. If we fill our stomachs with clean and safe water, there’s less likelihood that we will gulp carbonated drinks.

Once you start adopting a healthy habit (especially staying hydrated), notice how other healthy habits follow. You will feel the urge to exercise, eat more veggies, and eat less refined sugars. Small wins do add up and what you need is just one nudge. It can all start from one simple habit such as drinking more water.

Life gets busy but staying hydrated is the key

No matter how strictly we follow our diet and exercise routines, even the best of us can still fall sometimes. A few celebrations here and there and our diet gets ruined because of the irresistible meals around. Also, when the weather’s far from good or there are other reasons why we can’t exercise, we can miss a few days or weeks of working out.

Staying healthy and getting fit will be a challenge under those circumstances. However, you always have one thing to count on. And that’s staying hydrated.

You can easily accomplish that by having a small water container with you. For example, a stainless water bottle can be a reliable companion wherever you are (at work and at school or even while on travel).

Water is an essential and regular part of our lives. Staying hydrated is such a small and easy habit. It can also lead to adopting new healthy routines because one small win leads to another. Start today and you will be on your way to getting fit and healthy.